Monday, November 07, 2005


One afternoon, my eyes found yours, and from that moment, I knew you owned me.

I tried to brush it aside. But one morning, you passed by and I was reminded. And I knew there was no escaping.

You awakened in me, something I, for so long denied. Been badly burned and I still am chaffed. But then again, you remind me that something is not won, unless it is waged.

The terrain looks familiar. How many times have I passed this way? The familiar landmines. The enemy foxholes. The charred remains of a conquered territory.

I am scared.

But I promise this time, I will learn from my mistakes and not back out. But will be more careful.


tinapa said...

like a chaffed philosopher once said, "crushes are like candies. temporary cures for hunger but they only mask the void."

Promdi said...

Hmmmm...promising future? That's good, that's good!

Overratedbitch said...


sobrang familiar yang line na yan! i think i still have it in my phone memory.

hi, J!