Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mothers Know Best

This morning, my Mom had enough of my refusal to send some moolah.

"Why do you not always have money? I know you have a hidden agenda. I did some research," my Mom texted.

"What are you talking about?" I replied, suggesting the improbability of it all. Research? (Mayeb she meant investigation.) Like how? She has not even seen where I live and assuming she knows, she has not set foot in Manila in the past two years or so. If she desires so, she will need the help of my cousins who have not ever seen my place even. It's like my general address is Quezon City. And Quezon City is not small.

I don't need counter-intelligence to say she is working on a hunch, at the very least or what we call in Filipino "duda." But even the word "hunch" suggests something has a basis.

My fear has been confirmed. When my friends convince me to "out" myself to my parents I decide against it. Considering her context (she lives in the province) and her awareness about homosexuals, it would be more stressful to be out than helpful for any of us.

One such instance I'm trying to avoid is that she would accuse me that I'm--what's the rough translation of "nanlalalaki" in English?--It suggests that homosexual relationships are based on economics; of one paying for another in exchange of whatever. Fortunately for me, my first boyfriend never asked me for anything, and neither did I ask anything from him (aside of course from eternal love whahahahaha).

So when she texted me: "Baka nanlalaki ka na d'yan!" I felt a little affirmed. It was the right decision not to tell her.

"Of course, not," I replied, avoiding to argue any further. There's no use arguing my case.

There's no use telling her what she already knows.


Suyin said...

oh my gosh! ;)

Phoenix Rising said...

hala bakit omigosh ang comment? ehehhehehe. :)

Suyin said...

wala lang. naalala ko yung shower incident. hehe. ;)

Promdi said...

pareho kayo witty ng nanay..
funny kayong dalawa pati.