Monday, January 14, 2008

Hop-py New Year

I guess I'd be hopping on my way to work tomorrow. Turns out there are two cuts in my left foot. One long and slightly deep gash and a shallow cut below. The smaller one is all dried up. The other one is taking a little while to heal. But it doesn't hurt anymore. Putting my weight on it and walking normally is a challenge. It's like walking on high heels. Only, it feels like I'm wearing a shoe. Hehehehe.

Back to work again tomorrow after the weekend and the PGMA coverage in Cagayan de Oro. Back to my old life, as usual. I kinda miss it. I still haven't asked Sec. Gonzalez about the rationale behind the alleged warning to media people obstructing justice in crisis situations (supposedly he has information of an ouster plot on January 22). The results of the investigation into how convicted rapist Romeo Jalosjos will have to wait until the formal hearing on January 16 is concluded.

So many things to go back to. But first, let's figure out walking on one foot. :)

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